Shows and Parties in Victoria.
Shows for kids don't always go according to plan. Whatever entertainment you have needs to engage the children or else they may literally run off and go feral. There are all kinds of kid's shows and displays marketed towards children, ranging from fun to educational and everytghign else in between. If planning for a kids event in Melbourne, you have all the options a large city can offer and the same applies to those who live in nearby parts of Victoria. For those further afield, cost of transport may limit your options somewhat. In Melbourne a popular kind of show for children are animal parties, wildlife parties and kids party shows with reptiles, frogs and other critters. Creepy crawly things often enthrall kids and not just boys. Girls often get more angaged with animals than the boys, especially for younger age groups. For that matter the same applies to teenagers, or tweens and well as hard to please adults. Live crocodiles and snakes often break down barriers between people and are a fantastic standby for many a party or event. They also divert attention away from less wholesome pursuits such as eating junk food or booze in older people. Cost is always a factor and varies quite considerably between companies and even depending on how long you book them for. Some charge per event and some charge an hourly rate. Others charge per head and others do not. While there are a lot of wildlife and reptile party shows in Victoria, some childrens events are costly if the company is based a long way away, so it may be wise to ring around before committing to booking one particular firm. Travel loadings can add considerable cost and a lot of supposedly Melbourne-based outfits in fact are on the edge and so may charge different rates for different parts of Melbourne or elsewhere in Victoria. Some companies may vary rates depending on time of day or night or time of year, with many charging extra on weekends and peak times like school science week and similar event weeks. Safety is a consideration, but compared to other children's activities including most sports, the wildlife and reptile shows are in fact fairly safe. You wouldn't know this however if you were to look at the insurance premiums that these companies pay. As cost is usually more for animal related shows and entertainment than other types of shows, you should make sure you know all your outgoings before making a booking. Once all is done and dusted you can be assured that all but the hardest to please will be happy wth your show or party choice. You also have the advantage in that if the weather is bad, most animal shows and reptile party displays in Victoria can be done indoors. And knowing Melbourne's unreliable weather, that can only be a plus!